Hangar, Events, Admin & General volunteers
Volunteering at the Ulster Aviation Society's heritage collection of aircraft and artefacts can be a very rewarding way to enhance an interest in aviation, as well as an opportunity to develop skills or knowledge, and meet people with similar interests.

With a wide range of backgrounds and capabilities — from BOTH Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Volunteers can be involved in anything from aircraft restoration and maintenance, creating displays, conducting guided tours, helping with membership and our CRM system, cataloguing our assets and heritage collection, office administration, painting, cleaning, joinery, Aviation Library, Flight Simulators & VR Room, our outdoor Events teams, plus a host of other things.
Our volunteer engine is made up from many different cogs! We also have nNEW teams involved in cataloguing our extensive currently undocumented huge UAS Archive of photos, documents & assets, plus our 2024 additional of the Flight Sim & VR Room!
We have volunteers of all ages, both men and women, boys and girls from 11 to an active 99yo!

If you think you have something to offer in the many types of work undertaken in the hangar and on the collection, or help at the Outdoor Events we attend, then why not come along and help out as a UAS Volunteer.
You'll be part of an organisation that was recognised in 2018 with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service — the equivalent of an MBE and highest honour for UK charities.
How do I volunteer?
For more information, please E-mail either the Ray or Ricci below, depending on your potential subject interest and they'd be glad to advise you.
New or existing UAS members are always welcome to visit the hangar any Saturday (outside of Covid Lockdowns) from 12noon – 5pm (first Saturday of the month is especially for new volunteers). Other days by arrangement.
Ray Burrows MBE (Chairman & Hangar Manager)
Ricci Coulter (Tour Guide Co-Ordinator)